The food I eat (and refuse), the conversations I engage in (and abstain from), the goods I purchase (and leave sitting on the shelf)...these actions (and non-actions) support compassionate, non-harmful interactions with the world. In turn, my daily behaviors challenge, and ultimately reject, widespread ignorance about the sources of and messages conveyed by our food, entertainment, and consumer choices; an ignorance borne of fear, complacency, desire and unquestioning allegiance to tradition (yes, Thanksgiving has been on my mind a lot these days). This is not, admittedly, always an easy or accepted way to be in our society, but I wouldn't live any other way.
As strongly as I believe in the power of small actions I also know that grander gestures on behalf of the mistreated, overlooked, and misunderstood are necessary to at least balance the deluge of money and power wielded by those the opposite end of the spectrum. I accept that picketing outside, or lobbying against, corporations or flying off to devastated regions is not in my nature, so instead I offer a portion of my income to those who devote their lives to such necessary bravery. These are the organizations I support on a monthly basis: Oxfam America, Farm Sanctuary, and, dearest to my heart for many reasons, PCRM (Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine).
I'll end this on a lighter note...Dinner tonight consisted of leftovers from yesterday's Cauliflower and Mushroom Pot Pie (in a Black Olive Crust- yum!) from Veganomicon (a past Christmas present from my decidedly omnivorous sister and brother-in-law-- thank you!!!):
Topped with some freshly steamed local collards and kale and enjoyed with homemade radish pickles and a glass of Italian red...The perfect way to warm up on this wintry Halloween night (although I admit that it did taste slightly better when shared with loved ones while cheering on our favorite, if often bumbling and feckless, football team!).