Friday, November 11, 2011

Grounding Greens

Every once in a while I question whether my loyal consumption of greens (usually with breakfast and dinner, at a minimum) is threatening to violate my anti-rule against eating anything just because it is healthy, regardless of whether it pleases my taste buds.  I try to pay more attention when I eat greens and always realize, happily, that I truly enjoy the flavor they contribute to any meal.

And sometimes I have a day like today, when the power of greens is reinforced definitively.  In recognition of Medical Staff Professionals Week our bosses treated us to lunch and dessert today during our monthly staff meeting.  They were thoughtful enough to include an all-veggie, cheeseless pizza (which was delicious and which most of my coworkers also tried) and even a box of vegan cookies from the local vegetarian natural foods market.

I was so grateful for this kindness (especially as it involved one of my coworkers venturing into a neighborhood that isn't exactly in her comfort zone) that I ate a whole, humongous (size of a large saucer) tahini chocolate chip cookie (sounds like a weird combination but it works brilliantly-- the tahini offsets the sweetness of the chocolate and adds a little salty/savory bite).  It was delicious, but following two pieces of pizza it definitely challenged my petite stomach and left me feeling more than a little spacey.  When I came home this afternoon I went straight for the crisper and pulled out some collards to steam (and sprinkle with lemon juice).  Much, much better.

I don't think I'll have any problem making a dent in some of the leftovers from last night's "chili sin carne" (in a mole sauce!) creation...

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